Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy 33rd Anniversary Mom & Dad

On August 20th marked 33 years of marriage for two of the most important and influential people in my life, my wonderful parents. My mom and dad have grown together for the past 38 years from high school, college, work, dogs, children, life, death, and now the empty nest.  They have had the ups and downs like any other couple has, but still after all these years still have a spark.  Here is to another 33 wonderful years!

Thank you for being such great role models. Love you to the moon and back.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My 1st Time

While I was having an amazing dinner date with my wonderful friend, Catherine, she was telling me all about how she blogs.  I found it quite intriguing, so I decided that I would do one myself.  Now as a warning to all I will let you know that English was not my favorite, nor my best subject in school.  There will most likely be over use of commas, run-ons, and other grammatical errors.  I will do my best to have errors to a minimum, but you have been warned!

On another life is not that fantastic or interesting. My life is consumed with work, driving, my husband, my children, and amazing family.  Yes, I am aware that my children are covered with fur, have 4 legs, slobber a lot, and howl, but they are my life.  Charleigh Grace & Maverick Thomas have a way to make my world fantastic!  I can have a great day or be in a funk be it saddness or lonely moments and within seconds of being with them everything in life goes away. 

I hope with whomever decideds to follow my blog finds it entertaining and has a glimpse into my everyday life.