Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sushi Anyone?!

I am one of the pickiest eaters.  My meals usually consist of chicken, pizza, spaghetti, and bean and cheese burritos to name a few.  Josh came down for lunch and stopped by my parents house for some stuff.  He ended up staying longer than expected and my dad mentioned what was for dinner.  When my dad asks that question it usually means two things, he either wants 1) In N Out or 2) Sushi.

Since my mom was at school I decided to join the guys for Sushi at Hana's. Everything they ate did not look appetizing to me and Josh ate something that still had a head and eyeballs. I stuck with the "White people menu" as my brother told the waitress "Oh, and she'll need a fork too." (he knows me well) and had Teriyaki Chicken and Rice (which was very yummy).  But then again all three said, "How hard is it to screw up chicken and rice?"  Despite being disgusted by the food I had a great time hanging out with my Daddy, Brother, and husband!

...Daddy, Christoper (ugh, that Mullet)...

...Enjoying the first round of food and watching Sports Center...

...Some of the rolls they ordered...

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